M E E T I N G Tuesday May 17, 1988 7:30 P.M. Northland Public Library S P E A K E R Dr. St
May 17, 1988
7:30 P.M.
Northland Public Library
Dr. Stephen E. Rodabaugh
Youngstown State University
Three Questions in
Radiometric Dating
This month you get to hear an interesting discussion of
various radiometric dating methods. Dr. Stephen E. Rodabaugh has
spoken to us before and always presents a subject in a provocative
and atypical way.
Dr. Rodabaugh's talk will be in three parts. In the first
part he will describe the mathematical models behind radiometric
dating and in this way introduce the problems besetting any at
tempt to date events in the unobservable past.
In the second part of the talk Dr. Rodabaugh will discuss ex-
trapolation error terms, a relatively unknown question which must
be satisfactorily answered for a given dating scheme to be meaning-
And in the third part he will summarize a paper of Robert L.
Whitelaw on the implications of C-14 dating for the creation-flood
model of origins. Whitelaw's paper,1 despite its "old age," is not
commonly known and raises many questions. The thesis of this paper
proposes that man arose abruptly in the Near East, expanded greatly
to fill the world, underwent a catastrophe 4,500 - 5,000 years ago,
and then repopulated beginning in the Near East. If the facts
support this idea, and Dr. Whitelaw contends that it does, then
the whole context of the argument about the age of the earth as
derived from radiometric dating must be reevaluated.
I. David Nelson's talk in April about the Nature of Nature was
excellent. Thirty-five of us jammed packed into one of the smaller
rooms at the library to hear Mr. Nelson. He clearly expressed to
all of us the work remaining: that we must represent the facts of
life hear on earth in a coherent manner for the secular world to
understand without imputing to God an evil nature just because
there is now evil in his creation.
II. ELECTIONS Elections for the CSF Executive Committee will take
place at this meeting. The nominating committee has renominated
Dennis Blackburn and Henry Jackson. CSF members will be able to
place nominations from the floor. Your membership must be up to
date to vote. You can check on your status on the top line of your
mailing label. The date is the month and year when you are no
longer a member. If it shows you overdue or due now, you should
renew or join. Just send a check for $12 and indicate whether you
want to be a member or only a subscriber. A member must agree with
our statement of principles. For this meeting you should bring
your annual dues with you.
III. Please remember that those of you who expressed an interest
in a one-time talk or in a series of lectures on creation/evolution
to be presented to their churches can contact Bob Walsh (364-9324)
to work out the details.
IV. We want you to know about this series on creation. It is very
good. So remember to watch ORIGINS on Channel 40 WPCB-TV; on
Fridays at 10:30 AM; on Saturdays at 6:30 PM; and on Wednesdays
at 10:30 PM. This show is the finest on the subject country wide!
V. Robert Walsh (CSF Chairman) will be speaking at the North Side
Christian Missionary Alliance (CMA) on Friday evening May 20, 1988,
on the creation model.
VI. On Thursday morning, April 28, Henry Jackson (the CSF Secre-
tary) spoke to an Advanced Biology class at Keystone Oaks High
School. Three different classes got together for two periods to
debate the issue of creation and evolution. Mr. Jackson and
Francis Arduini each had twenty minutes to present their cases and
then rebut the other, followed by questions from the students. The
students raised many good questions showing they were considering
the subject seriously. If the CSF can just raise questions in
enough minds, both young and old, then we are making progress.
VII. Mr. Glenn R. Morton, a geologist and one of the speakers at
the ICC '86 conference was in town recently and met with many of
the members of our group for a luncheon. He believes the earth is
neither old nor young. A mid-earther? He spoke to many of us
about his thesis that many of the earth's features we see today are
caused by an expanding earth, including continental drift. The
general consensus is that his model is actually age independent,
it doesn't require either an old or young earth.
VIII. Robert Walsh was out to visit the ICR headquarters in San
Diego this past month. And Jane L. Gormley, a very active CSF
member, went on the ICR raft trip with Dr. Stephen E. Austin down
the Grand Canyon's Colorado River to both view and study the
geology of this most famous canyon.
1 "Radiocarbon Confirms Biblical Creation," Robert L. Whitelaw,
Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 5, October, 1968.
Creation Science Fellowship
362 Ashland Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15228
Origins Talk RBBS * (314) 821-1078
Missouri Association for Creation, Inc.
405 North Sappington Road
Glendale, MO 63122-4729
(314) 821-1234
Also call: Students for Origins Research CREVO BBS
(719) 528-1363
E-Mail Fredric L. Rice / The Skeptic Tank