M E E T I N G Tuesday June 21, 1988 7:30 P.M. Northland Public Library S P E A K E R Mr. R
June 21, 1988
7:30 P.M.
Northland Public Library
Mr. Robert E. Walsh
Creation Science Fellowship
Radiometric Dating
Our monthly meeting will feature Mr. Robert Walsh, Chairman of CSF, on the
subject of Non-Equilibrium Radiometric Dating. In dealing with the "age issue",
if the earth is truly old, say greater than 100,000 years, then the amount of
Carbon 14 production in the atmosphere should be the same as the loss of Carbon
Every day some of this stuff is made and some is lost. Our bodies incor-
porate some of the radiometric Carbon atoms each day into our bodies.
Once we die, no more of the active radiocarbon is taken in, and some of
it decays every day. Then a scientist can measure the amount remaining and tell
how long ago the organism died.
This is only true if the abundance of the Carbon 14 in the atmosphere has
remained constant. Any change in this amount is like speeding up a clock. This
C-14 process takes place in the atmosphere of the earth and is therefore measur-
Mr. Walsh will examine in understandable terms how this Carbon 14 process
works and how very important it is to the creation model. If the clock for
Carbon 14 dating in the atmosphere isn't constant, then we shouldn't let
evolutionists use it to say the earth is extremely old rather than the young ages
that a normal reading of scripture demonstrates.
I. Mr. Dennis Blackburn was elected to the board and chosen to fill a three
year term and Mr. Henry A. Jackson to the two year term in the elections last
month. I encourage any of you to run for the board next year if you are
interested in the local CSF and the national issue of creation/evolution.
II. This fall the we are planning a Creation Science Fellowship dinner. We
are planning for September, the week before the monthly meeting. This dinner
will enable us to get to know one another better, then the "Fellowship" in our
CSF name will become more meaningful. A special program for the evening will
be announced later. This evening will be open only to current members of the
CSF, so renew now to be in on this event.
III. As a sidelight you may be interested to know that at the election meeting
last month, of the 33 people who attended, only three weren't members (or
subscribers) to the CSF. That shows that we have done well in building our base
of active and interested people. All involved with the CSF thank you for your
support and ask that you continue to strengthen us in the future both as members
and with whatever financial support seems appropriate.
IV. The CSF/ICC computer is up and operational. Just use your computer modem
communications program to connect. The phone number is 243-0675. (8 bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit) You will know what that all means when you get set up.
Basically that is the electronic communications protocol that the two computers
need to know to talk to each other. We will be including articles and other
items of interest about creation/evolution.
V. Dr. Stephen E. Rodabaugh spoke to a large group at the May meeting. He
described the mathematical models behind radiometric dating. In this way he
showed the problems with any attempt to date events in the unobservable past.
Dr. Rodabaugh also discussed the extrapolation error term. And he summarized
a paper of Robert L. Whitelaw on the implications of Carbon 14 dating for the
creation-flood model of origins.
VI. The CSF can present lectures on creation-evolution to your group. Contact
Bob Walsh (364-9324) to work out the details. If you want to be involved in the
planning for these talks or work up of the materials, let him know also.
VII. Don't Forget: You want to be sure to watch the only television show
dealing with the subject of Creation and Evolution that is available anywhere
in the country. It is always very interesting and informative. And R. Russell
Bixler, CTV President, keeps the technical level of the show in the
understandable range for the non-professional.
ORIGINS on WPCB-TV Channel 40
Days and times:
Fridays at 10:30 AM
Saturdays at 6:30 PM
Wednesdays at 10:30 PM
VIII. Robert Walsh spoke to the North Side Christian Missionary Alliance on May
20. His talk went exceptionally well. He spoke on the earth's vapor canopy.
There were four interested individuals whom we added to our CSF list and you
could see in the future.
IX. The CSF and the ICC have begun work on the 1990 International Conference
on Creation. We will be needing and requesting the help of many of you. Already
we have new people on the ICC committee helping to plan for this conference.
Recently we received approval from Duquesne University to have the conference
there. The dates and details will be provided in the next months. Be thinking
now about your time both in this very important week in the summer of '90 and
your commitment to us before then as we plan and work to bring it about.
Henry A. Jackson III
362 Ashland Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15228-2213
(412) 341-4908
Origins Talk RBBS * (314) 821-1078
Missouri Association for Creation, Inc.
405 North Sappington Road
Glendale, MO 63122-4729
(314) 821-1234
Also call: Students for Origins Research CREVO BBS
(719) 528-1363
E-Mail Fredric L. Rice / The Skeptic Tank