M E E T I N G Tuesday January 19, 1988 7:30 P.M. Northland Public Library C O S T Free + O

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M E E T I N G Tuesday January 19, 1988 7:30 P.M. Northland Public Library C O S T Free & Open to the Public S P E A K E R Mr. Robert E. Walsh F R O M President of Creation Science Fellowship T O P I C THE EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD: ITS ORIGIN AND DESTINY - Part II Mr. Walsh will begin his address by examining recent research in the creation framework concerning the origin of the magnetic field of the earth. He will explore the latest investigation of this topic and examine such areas as the creation of the earth's magnetic field, its apparent reversal, as well as archeomagnetic and paleomagnetic data. He will show evidence for real decay of the magnetic field. Furthermore, he will examine evidence for the reversal of the magnetic field's north and south poles, and show that the creation model is a more elegant model for explaining and predicting such data. The earth's magnetic field is an essential factor in determining the age of the earth. He will examine this very important part of the creation model without cumbersome reliance on mathe- matics which might cause difficulty for some of you in following the arguments. The magnetic field of the earth has come to be one of many interesting and controversial issues in determining the age of the earth. Creationists maintain that the age of the earth, given its magnetic field, is much younger than often claimed. This slide presentation also offers a possible history of the field. Much thanks goes to Dr. D. Russell Humphreys of Sandia National Laboratories for donating most of the presented material. NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS I. Our February meeting will feature Mr. David P. Nelson, past president and founder of CSF, on the topic of The Nature of Nature. Mr. Nelson will examine, within a scientific framework, how nature works. Also how it forms a fundamental diversity within a fundamental unity, a true UNI - VERSE. II. Mr. Robert E. Walsh, CSF chairman, recorded four Origins programs at CTV, WPCB/Ch 40 in December. You can view Origins on: ==>> Fridays 10:30 AM ==>> Saturdays 6:30 PM ==>> Wednesdays 10:30 PM III. Now that the Christmas giving push is over, we are asking everyone to help sustain the CSF by renewing (or in some cases beginning) your support of our group. Please check your mailing label. If it says renew, then renew now. The date listed is the last month that our records show you as paid up. Your sponsorship is essential to us to fund printing and mailing costs. IV. Henry Jackson, the Creation Science Fellowship secretary, has proposed that the CSF begin the publishing of scientific papers. The idea is that we would sponsor, one at a time, the publishing of quality papers that deal with all aspects of Creation/Evolution. This would be similar to what we did in the ICC Conference and proceedings, except on a smaller scale. Each paper would be a high quality product. We would obtain prior funding for their publication. They would be jured by both creation and evolution scientists. Henry A. Jackson III 362 Ashland Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15228-2213 (412) 341-4908 *************************************** Origins Talk RBBS * (314) 821-1078 Missouri Association for Creation, Inc. 405 North Sappington Road Glendale, MO 63122-4729 (314) 821-1234 Also call: Students for Origins Research CREVO BBS (719) 528-1363


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