Vawter, Lisa and Brown, Wesley M., +quot;Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Comparisons Reveal

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Vawter, Lisa and Brown, Wesley M., "Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Comparisons Reveal Extreme Rate Variation in the Molecular Clock" Science 234:194-196, 10 Oct. 1986. In a recent issue of Origins Research (8:2) we suggested that it was time to set back the molecular clock. This research article goes one step further and suggests that we throw the "molecular clock" out altogether. From the abstract: [The] disparity in relative rates of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA divergence suggests that the controls and constraints under which the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes operate are evolving independently, and provides evidence that is independent of fossil dating for a robust rejection of a generalized molecular clock hypothesis of DNA evolution. (emphasis added)


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