INTRODUCTION Genesis contains most of what the Bible reveals on the origin of the Universe

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INTRODUCTION Genesis contains most of what the Bible reveals on the origin of the Universe. Because of its significance, the Genesis account occupies a central position in discussions of the origin and development of life. While the Bible-believer accepts it as the only reliable record of Creation, the atheist dismisses and ridicules Genesis as unscientific Jewish folklore. There is a third view, however, which asserts that evolution is compatible with the Bible. This position (known as theistic evolution) is especially dangerous because it forces the biblical record into an impossible compromise. The claim that "evolution and the Bible show amazing agreement on almost all issues and that one is not mutually exclusive of the other" (Clayton, 1990, p 135) is contradicted by an objective investigation of the evidence. This contradiction is perhaps best seen when one soberly examines the first two chapters of Genesis. This article will review each day of the creation week and show that the inspired record refuses to conform to the humanistic theory of evolution, and that it does not contain the errors its critics allege. As this is done, it will be evident that God wrote of His Creation in such a way as to remove the possibility of compromise.


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