Institute for Creation (Credulous) Research (Retards), PO Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021 Voi
Institute for Creation Research, PO Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021
Voice: (619) 448-0900 FAX: (619) 448-3469
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No. 230 "Vital Articles on Science/Creation" August 1992
by Henry M. Morris*
Copyright (c) 1992 by I.C.R.
All Rights Reserved
* Dr. Morris is President of the Institute for Creation Research
After almost two years of design and construction, the new ICR Museum of
Creation and Earth History is now open to visitors. The exciting theme
of this 4,000 square foot Museum is "A Walk through History," with
visitors taking a tour through the newly created universe, then the
Garden of Eden, followed by entrance into the regime of sin and death.
Then they enter Noah's Ark, emerging from the Ark into the greatly
changed post-diluvian world, with great fossil beds, volcanoes, and
river canyons.
Soon they experience a world affected by the great Ice Age, after which
they enter the domain of pagan pantheistic evolutionism, centered in the
Tower of Babel and its confusion of tongues, with tribes scattering
thence all over the world with their false religion, as learned in
Babylon. Artifacts recording these ancient cultures and migrations are
seen as viewers pass, along with fossils of early men and animals of
the so-called Pleistocene Epoch.
Passing through this valley of spiritual death, they can see the cross
of the coming Savior in the distance, as they come into the world of
Graeco-Roman culture. There, of course, they also encounter the birth,
life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus
Christ. They confront the truth that He, as Creator and Sustainer of the
world, has now become its sin-bearing Redeemer, assuring that all who
believe on Him and accept Him as personal Savior will receive
forgiveness and cleansing and everlasting life.
The Christian era follows, as visitors see evidences of the apostolic
and post-apostolic periods. The "long war against God" continues even
after Christ, with pagan evolutionism still predominating in most of the
world and professing Christians often compromising with the evolutionary
philosophies of Greece, Rome, and other nations.
The Renaissance and Reformation, as well as the Darwinian era, follow,
as documented in the lives and testimonies of the great creationist
scientists of these periods, along with their opponents. The exit hall
brings Museum visitors back into the present, featuring the modern
revival of creationism. A closing gospel message urges any unsaved
visitors to accept Christ and look forward to His soon return to
complete all His purposes in creation and redemption.
A bookstore at the Museum entrance/exit offers a wide selection of ICR
books and tapes. Visitors are encouraged to purchase some of these,
partly, in order to help maintain and expand the Museum. More
importantly, the testimony of the Museum can be better remembered and
the visitor's Christian life and witness strengthened, through use of
these materials.
Admission to the Museum is free, of course, and there is no obligation
to purchase anything. Museum hours are Monday through Saturday, 9:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Group tours at other times can be requested by
calling the Museum office (619) 448-0900, ext. 16.
This "Impact" was converted to ASCII, for BBS use,
from the original formatted desktop article.
Comments regarding typographical errors
in the above material are appreciated.
Don Barber, ICR Systems Administrator
Fax: (619) 448-0900
All ICR staff members adhere to a Statement of Faith
in the form of two documents:
"Tenets of Scientific Creationism,"
and "Tenets of Biblical Creationism."
As a missionary organization, ICR is funded by God's people. The
majority of its income is provided by individual donors who desire to
proclaim God's truth about origins. Gifts can be designated for
research, the graduate school, seminars, or any special part of the ICR
ministry. All others will be used where most needed. We pledge to use
them wisely and with integrity.
If you would like to receive our free monthly newsletter "Acts & Facts,"
or our free quarterly devotional Bible-study booklet "Days of Praise,"
just request them by contacting ICR at (619) 448-0900.
We believe God has raised up ICR to spearhead Biblical Christianity's
defense against the godless dogma of evolutionary humanism. Only by
showing the scientific bankruptcy of evolution, while exalting Christ
and the Bible, will Christians be successful in "the pulling down of
strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that
exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into
captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (II Corinthians
Member, Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
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